The LaunchMyLife website is a joint effort of the six North Dakota State agencies listed below. These agencies focus on good transition practices for students with intellectual disabilities. Staff from each agency contribute their expertise to the website content in order to provide accurate and best-practice information. If you have any questions, email, and your inquiry will be forwarded to the right person.
North Dakota Center for Persons with Disabilities
Provides service, education, and research that help communities welcome and value people of all ages and abilities.
North Dakota Protection & Advocacy
Protects the equal treatment and inclusion of people with disabilities at home, school, work, and in recreation.
North Dakota State Council on Developmental Disabilities
Supports choice, independence, productivity, and inclusion for all North Dakotans with developmental disabilities.
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
DPI's Special Education Division makes sure that all students with disabilities receive a free and appropriate education.
Pathfinder Services of North Dakota
Resources to educate parents, youth, professionals, and the community, focusing on individuals birth-26 with learning differences or challenges.
North Dakota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Helps North Dakotans with disabilities get and succeed at a job. Also helps businesses solve issues related to disabilities.